Thursday 20 June 2013

The Kedarnath Cloudburst

So what's trending these days?


Yeah! I saw on TV. 60000 people are stuck; thousands have died; 10000 soldiers have been sent there for help; 45 helicopters are transporting people to safer places;

Till yesterday, Each and every news channel was showing the rescue operations. People getting off the helicopters, military supplying food to the affected. Believe me, those were only two or three videos being rolled over and over again. One of my beloved friend Naman Goyal has been missing in Kedarnath. I pray for him and I wish he is safe. Naman's relatives have gone to Dehradun, as military is transporting people to Dehradun too, in hope that they might find him there. I was astonished by what they told me. "Only 17 people in total were transported to Dehradun yesterday." Then I thought If 45 helicopters are working and we are in a country where media reaches a place before than anyone else does, why wasn't any live telecast of helicopters transporting people was shown. All I saw on TV was different ministers ans respected personalities taking an aerial round of the affected areas as if they are going for sightseeing. And allowing media to enter their aircrafts and then video-taping them looks more like a publicity stunt. This makes me think "Are they really worried or this is a new way of doing election campaigning"

I woke up today and found that it is totally a new story on news channels today. As if the opposition party had given more money to the media than the ruling party had given. Media is showing food lying in the camps and no helicopters have come to take them. People who were stuck had walked miles to get to safer places. They are surviving on plants. The rescue camps have just 4 to 5 soldiers and no facilities are being provided to the people coming down. I mean where are the 10000 soldiers. Figures say that 60000 people are stuck and I don't think it is tough for 10000 soldiers to rescue them. All this seems just so fake. Incidents like this one are a lottery to the politicians. Instead of rescuing people, the helicopters are being used by the ministers to take a round of the area. I don't see any logic in doing that.

And yes! The most important thing. The people of the weather department are also on TV now. In a world where you can see what will be the weather conditions next month just from your mobile phone, how come you don't expect the government to have all this information. The people of the weather department are saying this that they already informed the government about the cloudburst about three days before the incident but the government took no action. Thousands of lives would have been saved if the government would have issued an alert and evacuated people from that area. Three days were more than enough to do that. This makes me say, "What is this f%*king government for."